Saturday, May 21, 2011

Let's pause a moment.

I took this picture the other day at the playground near our house. Max wants to do everything Callum can do and it is almost to the point where he actually can. He can climb pretty much anything now, eats as much as Callum (or more) and he is speaking more and more each day. He is very polite as he automatically says "Dank-oo, Mommy" all the time and "Doory, Mommy" when he is apologizing. Now if I could only convince him that he also wants to use the toilet like Callum, but he assures me he is quite uninterested.

Callum is quite the little swimmer now as he has lessons every Tuesday and Thursday. He can jump into the dive tank off the diving board and swims to his teacher, without a life jacket or anything! I actually cried when I watched him be so brave (it was a satisfying 'mother' moment). Max and I come swimming once a week too, but Max is surprisingly cautious in the water - at his age, Callum was already putting his head under without concern, but Max will have nothing to do with holding his breath. Jeff and I think maybe Max will be more of a team-sport player than the solo swimmer type. Callum also has soccer every Friday afternoon and Max is not impressed when he is not allowed to participate in the class, similar to how he feels every time I take Callum to Preschool and Max can't stay, or even at IKEA, where Callum is big enough for the PlayPlace but Max isn't. Poor guy, (though I admit to making little comments about how one of the reasons he can't stay is because he is wearing a diaper...).

I have been feeling our little creation moving around in my belly quite a lot and I am still convinced it will be a girl, despite the fact that the Ultrasound technician wouldn't give me any hints (apparently it is their policy to give the results to the doctor and the doctor can decide to tell you or not), so I may find out this Friday at my next appointment (though I'm not sure I really trust the results anyway if they do think it's a girl). I am mildly concerned about how big I am already (I have gained 10 pounds and I'm only 22 weeks), or at least I certainly feel big... unpleasant memories of previous pregnancies are becoming less memory and more reality very quickly... Sigh.

Well, it's 11:30pm and Jeff is still at the Blackburn house installing the tile in the laundry. I was there all day (installing the railing pieces and fixing the flooring where the counter top guys damaged it) while Callum and Max were at Kami's all day, but they fell asleep on the drive home, so we didn't get much time together. Tomorrow I take them to church in the morning but then I haul them off to Scott and Samantha's (so I can finish painting the front foyer and start installing our stair treads)... I know there is only 1 more week before we are moving into the house, but with so much left to do, I am finding it hard to get excited. We decided to hire a guy to install our wall tile and I am glad we did - he did the kids bathroom today and it looks so great that I did manage to feel a bit giddy! Yeeay.

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