Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jeff and Ueli Steck

It was back in September when Jeff peaked Mt.Baker for the first time, but while he was there, he caught a bug - the climbing bug!  His loves of backcountry skiing and hiking came together during this first ascent of a snow-capped peak, and the day he returned he was already telling me about planning his next climb up Mt.Shukshan.  When he has a chance, Jeff is caught watching videos of this amazing (and crazy) Swiss climber, Ueli Steck, or reading his new bible "Training for the New Alpinism".  A man's gotta have a hobby.

He went with our awesome neighbour, Thure Svardfeldt (he's very scandinavian - an appropriate alpine-climbing name!!), and they had organized for a guide named Joseph to instruct them on avalanche safety and rescue practices, as well as ice climbing tips.  He says the weather was perfect (if not too warm!).

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